
Accessibility statement

This website complies with the requirements of the Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities (Service Accessibility Adjustments), 2013. The accessibility adjustments were made according to the recommendations of the Israeli standard (TI 5568) for content accessibility on the Internet at level AA and the international WCAG2.0 document.

The tests were tested for the highest compatibility for Firefox Chrome and Internet Explorer browsers. The site provides a semantic structure for assistive technologies and support for the accepted usage pattern for operating with a keyboard using the arrow keys, Tab, Enter and Esc to exit menus and windows. Optimized for display in common browsers and for use on the cell phone.

If the user encounters a problem, he is welcome to contact us (phone / email / form on the website).

The accessibility statement was updated on August 24, 2022

Yariv, The Ners couple

Circus artistss

Irit, The Ners couple
The Nerds animated gif

The Nerds Show

The Nerds capture their audience's hearts through comic clownery and acrobatic feats. Come join the amusing and unexpected story of 'The Nerds'.
A fun and exciting circus show suitable for all audiences.

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The Nerds circus frame The Nerds circus gif
The Nerds circus frame The Nerds circus gif
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The Nerds circus frame The Nerds circus gif

Who are the Nerds

She is neat and organized.
He, awkward and clumsy.

The odd couple falls in love and things begin to go wrong. Soon the love story becomes a series of funny and unexpected spectacles that will sweep you away in their moments of love and heartbreak.

The Nerds couple picture
The Nerds animated gif
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Prepare to laugh with them and at them, to hold your breath during daring acrobatic moments and maybe even fly with 'The Nerds' on stage!

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The Nerds animated gif